Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Fair-Weather Friends .v. Life-Suckers


Friendships are one of the most challenging, rewarding and crucial things in any woman's life. From a young age they dictate how we feel - from teenage bitch fights to calls made to your best friend at 3am after a tragic break up from boyfriend-of-the-week. Now that we're older (unfortunately) and wiser (OK, debatable), our friendships have normally settled down a bit. There isn't half as much backstabbing, and any gossiping done is usually not about each other, but about acceptable third parties ie. the work bitch or Robert Pattinson. 

Fair-Weather Friends and Life-Suckers

That's not to say friendships have got any easier. Oh no, they're just as confusing as always. Now, everyone knows that being a fair-weather friend is not acceptable. We can't just hang around with our mate when they're the life and soul of the party, but ditch them as soon as they're having a bad day. It's a given really and I know very few people who fall into this category. However, there is a new category emerging: The Fair-Weather Phobe - other wise know as life-suckers. These friends are never bad people, but their fuel is negative emotion. If you're not moaning about something they're not happy and as soon as you have anything positive to say, they either end the conversation or try and rain on your parade. 

Laugh With Them!

We're all prone to that ugly emotion of jealousy, especially when we're feeling down ourselves. When you've just been made redundant your friend's promotion is that little bit harder to celebrate (besides, you can't afford the champagne). But if consoling our friend during a bad time is second nature to most of us, then why shouldn't we do the same when they're going through a great period of their lives? It's a vital duty and providing a celebratory hug and glass of wine should become just as natural as providing the Kleenex and Ben & Jerry's. Plus, smiling is infectious and will make you feel better about yourself. It's a win-win situation!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

My week at Bliss

So the last few days have been pretty crazy...crazy and amazing! And they've gone way too fast for my liking!

After transcribing interviews for the first 2 days, I finally got to move on to what I've been most excited about doing: some writing!

My first task was to do the website's love horoscopes for the next week...Never have I used the words "crush" and "fit lad" so many times! Check the horoscopes on the mybliss website next week, written by yours truly (I may have been a little biased and made sure my sign, Taurus, has a particularly lucky week...).

Next, Bliss intern Alisha asked me to write a few questions for an interview she is doing tomorrow, with new singing show The Voice's judges and presenters! The Voice is already huge in America and the UK version will be hitting our screens on BBC1 next month.

The lovely Holly Willoughby and Reggie Yates will be hosting and the judging panel will be made up of Jessie J,, The Script frontman Danny O'Donoghue and Tom Jones. With stars like that on the show, you can imagine it wasn't hard to think of questions! Pretty crazy to think that Jessie J might be answering questions written by me!

One huge advantage of a week at Bliss is being the first to hear about exciting new beauty products, music and book releases. There are constantly packages containing exciting new goodies landing on the desks - we even got sent some of the new kitkat flavours to try (Lent? What's lent?!)

Today I was asked to write a couple of reviews for some new music for the mybliss website. One of the new music videos was cool new dance tune Back Foot by HeavyFeet and Nate James. Check it out here: (the intro on the website was totes written by me)

So tomorrow is my last day at Bliss (boo!). I'll have to make sure I make the most of it!


Anna .x.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Interviews with JLS and One D? All in a day's work...

So I was lucky enough to bag a work placement at Bliss magazine, which is not only amazing fun, but also a great opportunity and a fab start to trying to make it in the world of magazine journalism. Naturally, the first thing I had to do was blog about my first day here at Bliss...

Yesterday I travelled down to Tunbridge Wells, where the Bliss head offices are and after a coach journey and 2 trains, I finally arrived at the little hotel, my home for the week.

Staying here alone for the week meant my first challenge was going out for dinner alone. This involved awkwardly trying to act like I was 'on business' and not like I'd been stood up, by taking a book and obsessively checking my blackberry...After I'd eaten (3 x faster than usual) I decided to get a good night's sleep in prep for day one!

After a hearty breakfast of blueberry muffins, I scaled the huuuuge hill which leads up to the Bliss offices, feeling slightly nervous. Luckily I was greeted by the very friendly senior writer, Lucy, who showed me where everything is and where all the back copies of magazines are kept. I even got made a cup of tea! Definitely had been anticipating that that would be my task all week!

So my first job was to look through all the day's newspapers and to pick out any relevant stories relating to young people or celebs. The only rule: 'Ignore all of the sport section and the heavy political stories'...No problems, there! 

A few hours into the day, Lucy asked me if I fancied transcribing an interview with none other than JLS boys Marvin and Aston! Unfortunately I didn't get to meet the boys, but I think this would have been a bit too much excitement for day 1! However I did learn some first-hand gossip about the boys, from talk of underwear, to Aston's tattoos.

After a coffee during my lunch break, I returned to finish my JLS interview and was promptly offered the task of transcribing an interview with One Direction's Zayn! 1D are definitely my guilty pleasure and with Zayn being my fave (and also 2 years my junior, but let's ignore that) this was another 'job' I could definitely live with doing! In addition to this, the interview was all about fashion and shopping...who knew Zayn loves to indulge in a bit of retail therapy?

So now I'm back in my hotel room, feeling happy but exhausted. But most of all, I feel safe in the knowledge that this is definitely the career I want! Maybe one day I'll get to do the interviews myself! Watch this space...


Anna .x.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Singing the V-Day Blues...(warning, traces of bitterness)

There's no denying it...The dreaded 14th of February is drawing much too close for comfort. If you run, it's only a matter of time before you run into the next window display of pink and red kitsch (two colours which clash at ANY time of the year btw.). If you hide, it will only be seconds before you're sought out by the next sickeningly happy couple. In other words; resistance is futile.

Now, I'm not one to usually make a fuss about Valentine's Day. Last year my relationship status was no different to this year (if you hadn't guessed, that's single). However I had a safety blanket of equally single friends. We simply spent the night drinking wine and heading out to dance with some, admittedly not so eligible, bachelors.

This year, I have an alarmingly small amount of fellow singletons on my side. And to add insult to injury, many are in new relationships and still at that vomit-inducing honeymoon stage. But, believe it or not, these are actually the easiest couples to deal with. They may make you want to gag, however a small part of you can't help but enjoy seeing your friend so happy.

No, the worst couples are the ones who claim that Valentine's Day is "No Big Deal". Expect following statements: "It's all about making money, it's so commercialised"/"If you love someone, you don't need an excuse to show that"/"It's just so BORING".

I am not ashamed that I enjoy making these couples suffer a little by unabashedly throwing following idea out there "Oh great, want to do something that day then?". Cue: lots of squirming, shifty eyes and muttered admissions of booked tables at expensive restaurants (too commercialised, eh?).

So, as it seems unlikely that I'll meet the man of my dreams in the space of the next couple of weeks, I have 2, equally depressing, options.

Option number one: Go all Jessical Biel in "Valentine's Day" and throw an "I hate V-Day" party, dress all in black and whack a pinata with a baseball bat. However, this has following implications: my guestlist would be alarmingly small and I am unsure of where one would purchase a pinata. Or a baseball bat, for that matter...

Or, option number two: Spend the day with my cat, in preparation for becoming a spinster with several feline friends. It's all good practice, after all.

Whereas option number 2 is the slightly more appealing one, it might also be nice to have a little human company on the 14th of Feb. So, in a 'wine-bottle-half-full' kind of spirit, I have decided to make the most of it by having a few drinks and giggles with my sister, who is one of my few fellow singletons.

After all, Valentine's Day is about spending time with someone you love, and not strictly with someone of the fit male variety (although fingers crossed for next year...) ;)

Lots of single girl love

Anna x