Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Fair-Weather Friends .v. Life-Suckers


Friendships are one of the most challenging, rewarding and crucial things in any woman's life. From a young age they dictate how we feel - from teenage bitch fights to calls made to your best friend at 3am after a tragic break up from boyfriend-of-the-week. Now that we're older (unfortunately) and wiser (OK, debatable), our friendships have normally settled down a bit. There isn't half as much backstabbing, and any gossiping done is usually not about each other, but about acceptable third parties ie. the work bitch or Robert Pattinson. 

Fair-Weather Friends and Life-Suckers

That's not to say friendships have got any easier. Oh no, they're just as confusing as always. Now, everyone knows that being a fair-weather friend is not acceptable. We can't just hang around with our mate when they're the life and soul of the party, but ditch them as soon as they're having a bad day. It's a given really and I know very few people who fall into this category. However, there is a new category emerging: The Fair-Weather Phobe - other wise know as life-suckers. These friends are never bad people, but their fuel is negative emotion. If you're not moaning about something they're not happy and as soon as you have anything positive to say, they either end the conversation or try and rain on your parade. 

Laugh With Them!

We're all prone to that ugly emotion of jealousy, especially when we're feeling down ourselves. When you've just been made redundant your friend's promotion is that little bit harder to celebrate (besides, you can't afford the champagne). But if consoling our friend during a bad time is second nature to most of us, then why shouldn't we do the same when they're going through a great period of their lives? It's a vital duty and providing a celebratory hug and glass of wine should become just as natural as providing the Kleenex and Ben & Jerry's. Plus, smiling is infectious and will make you feel better about yourself. It's a win-win situation!

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